Programs & Services
AB 109 Supervision Units – Provide intensive supervision, rehabilitation and treatment opportunities to adult offenders.
- Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) – Clients who were serving a sentence for a non-serious and non-violent offense are released from State Prison into county supervision, are supervised by the Probation Department.
- 1170(h) Mandatory Supervision – Clients convicted of non-violent, non-serious, and non-sexual offense after 10/01/2011, serve a partial sentence in county jail and the remainder of their sentence out of custody under mandatory supervision by the Probation Department.
Administrative Monitoring – Probation Officers monitor minimum risk adult clients who score low on the risk/need assessment or have made satisfactory adjustment to probation.
Assessment Unit – Conducts all of the initial contacts and referrals, and completes the “Initial Risk Assessment” for determining the level of supervision needed.
Containment Unit – A State mandated program for sex offenders that includes intensive supervision, treatment, registration requirements, Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) monitoring, and polygraphs. Probation continually assesses risks and needs of these individuals while working closely with licensed sex offender clinicians, the Courts, and local law enforcement to protect victims and ensure public safety.
Court Services – Court services are provided to all Superior Courts located in Santa Clara County. These services are the direct link between the Court and Probation in Sentencing Hearings, Settlement Conferences, Felony Advanced Resolution Calendars, and Narcotic Case Resolution Hearings.
Deferred Entry of Judgment – This program monitors first time drug offenders for treatment and completion of a substance abuse education program.
Domestic Violence Offender Supervision - Supervises serious domestic violence and child endangerment clients who pose a threat to victims and community. In addition, a Probation Officer is assigned to certify the mandated batterer’s intervention programs. Services are also provided for clients with children who have an open case with Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS). This collaborative effort with DFCS assists with family reunification while minimizing duplication of services.
Drug Treatment Court (DTC) – DTC provides intensive supervision and collaborative services for clients with more serious drug- related offenses. Also the client makes frequent Court appearances and participates in a highly structured regimen of supervision, treatment and drug testing.
Electronic Monitoring Program (EMP) – This is an alternative custody program that helps clients remain connected to their families, work, attend school, vocational programs, counseling and/or employment. An electronic device is mounted on the client’s ankle and enables probation staff to supervise the client closely at all times.
Pre-Sentence Investigation - This is an in-depth investigative process into the history of the person convicted of a crime, before sentencing, to determine whether there are extenuating circumstances that may affect the sentence. A detailed report is provided to the Court for the Sentencing Hearing.
Probation Supervision – The Supervision units provide general and intensive supervision, assessments, referrals, and case management services for all adult probation clients. Probation Officers monitor client compliance with Court orders, participation in treatment programs, completion of community service, and payment of restitution to victims.
Proposition 36 Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act – This program consists of assessment, treatment, and supervision in lieu of incarceration for non-violent substance abusers.
Record Clearance – Adults (18 years of age and older) convicted of a crime, under certain circumstances, may have their conviction set aside and the case dismissed by the Court. The record clearance does not keep the offense from serving as a prior conviction in a later criminal proceeding, nor does the record clearance prevent a conviction for possession of a firearm by a felon or a person addicted to a narcotic drug. The process may take up to six months, and Court appearance and legal representation may not be required.
- Phone to Request Form: (408) 435-2061
Substance Abuse Program – This program is targeted to clients with one or more “Driving Under the Influence” (DUI) convictions.
Wellness Program - This program is designed for individuals who struggle to fulfill probation obligations due to behavioral health conditions. Program goals include:
- Connect the individual with community treatment resources.
- Reduce self-harm by limiting time in jail and/or hospital.
- Engage in more positive life activities, e.g., work.
- Encourages participation in community programs and/or service.