Juvenile Programs and Services
Court Services – Probation Officers represent the Probation Department in all Juvenile Court hearings. They also oversee record sealing and record checks for youth seeking to enter the military or other employment.
Domestic Violence/Family Violence Services - The Juvenile Justice Domestic Violence Court provides a collaborative approach to the adjudication, supervision, and rehabilitation of youth with domestic or family violence offenses. The purpose is to increase victim safety and support, while providing youth with the specialized services for the reduction of relationship violence.
Dually Involved Youth (DIY) - Provides a coordinated approach between the Department of Children’s Services (DFCS) and Probation. This model enables social workers, probation officers, and Youth Advocates to be co-located to provide intensive services for youth and their families and a united case management approach.
Education Services Unit - Education Services is a collaborative school based approach at various Santa Clara County schools. Probation Officers provide prevention, intervention and supervision services for students, both on and off probation. Probation Officers serve as the liaison between schools and Juvenile Probation. They facilitate groups, participate in school functions, and presentations. Within the Education Services Unit is a specialized function called Youth Education Advocate (YEA). This program supports the special education rights of juveniles under the Court's jurisdiction.
Family Preservation Unit (FPU) – This process uses family focused services designed to assist families in crisis by improving parenting and family functioning while keeping the youth safe.
Gang Unit – Probation Officers coordinate with law enforcement agencies, community based organizations, schools, and citizen groups to prevent gang related crime and violence.
Juvenile Services Units (JSU) - These units provide supervision and case management services including referral to community and school services for compliance with Court orders. Probation Officers conduct youth needs assessments for the completion of Court reports with a recommendation to the Court for disposition.
Neighborhood Safety/Services Unit (NSU) - The NSU leverages existing School Linked Services infrastructure, and utilizes a public health approach to foster community cohesion and provide services to high-need neighborhoods. This work is accomplished through the use of community engagement, leadership development, activities for youth and families, and a focus on health and wellness.
Placement and Foster Care – Probation seeks to keep kids in their homes with their families as often as possible with community based, family driven services. Placement staff locate short-term residential facilities for youth with specific treatment needs and who are ordered by the Juvenile Justice Court. They also identify permanent families, while providing ongoing transitional services, within the community and/or to support family reunification efforts. This is consistent with the California Department of Social Services, Continuum Care Reform Act, which seeks to reduce the number of kids in foster care placements/residential facilities.
Prevention and Early Intervention Services (PEI) - These services include prevention, assessment, early intervention, and diversion programs to all areas of the county and targets at risk and low-level youth referred by police agencies. PEI seeks to address youth’s needs and refer for appropriate services at the earliest stage possible to lower risk of reoffending.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) – This federal program is intended to provide for the analysis of the incidence and effects of prison rape in Federal, State, and local institutions while providing information, resources, recommendations, and funding to protect individuals.
Re-Entry Services (RSU) – This program focuses upon the success of youth re-entering the community from the Juvenile Rehabilitation Facility-James Ranch Enhanced Ranch Program. RSU emphasizes the support of the youth and family for successful transition into the community from a custodial setting.
Record Sealing - Appointment for Record Check Letter: (408) 278-6040
Screening Intake Services – Probation Officers provide services to youth who are admitted into Juvenile Hall. Through the use of a Risk Assessment Instrument, the screening unit works with youth, families, and victims to determine if a youth will be admitted or released from custody pending an appearance in Court.
Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Services – “Progress Achieved Through Hope and Holistic Services” (PATH2Services) seeks to teach youth the skills needed to succeed, and manage mental health and/or substance abuse disorders throughout their lives. A team approach is used for the adjudication, supervision, and rehabilitation of youth with specific mental health diagnoses, substance abuse disorders, or both.
Victim Services – Actively engage victim(s), the community and the youth through Victim Awareness Classes, Victim Offender Mediation, and Liaison services. Victim Court Advocacy Services may be available through the District Attorney’s Office.
Youth Advisory Council – The YAC is a collaboration between the Probation Department and Fresh Lifelines for Youth (FLY) that brings together a group of formerly juvenile justice engaged youth. The YAC brings the “youth” voice to the decision making tables in the juvenile justice system by providing input regarding system processes, policies and practices. The YAC provides education to youth and families about the system, sharing their experiences and paths to success and participate in community meetings, commissions and presentations. In return for the YAC member’s time, they may receive a variety of services and supports including: professional and leadership development, personal empowerment, social events, stipend and scholarship opportunities.